Bye Bye Slideshow Maker

After hearing about the problems some colleagues have been facing when running the activities they have downloaded from my web site (need admin rights), I decided to move away from the open framework program I was using and write something new. All of my new ‘slideshow’ activities will be published in a new format which will make them accessible to pretty much everyone.


The new format has specific sections for switch users at cause and effect level with both auditory and visual prompts. A touch screen section puts large targets around the screen which students will need to find and touch. Mouse or other pointing device users get a section with a huge mouse pointer and targets that change colour when the mouse pointer is over them. Finally eye gaze users get their own section with large targets and a cross hair cursor to help them pin point the targets. (more…)

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A quick review of MyGaze Foundations

mygaze4Like many of my colleagues in schools, I was deeply skeptical when I read some of the claims about eye gaze systems and how they might ‘revolutionize’ (their word not mine,) our teaching of students with profound and multiple difficulties. So like so many of you, I had to find out for myself what this technology brought to the classroom and how I might use it to help unlock some of my students.

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Free Gazespeaker Suite for Eye Gaze


It seems to me that if you want to make BIG money in the special needs market, the place to be is eye gaze. It’s not uncommon to see pretty mediocre software commanding huge prices simply because it has a ‘For Eye Gaze’ label. Excited this morning to find the free (yes free) Gaze Speaker eye gaze suite. Gaze Speaker is a suite of applications designed for use with your eye gaze setup. The suite features a full AAC environment, a configurable web browser and a skills building section much like the expensive ‘eye gaze skills progression’ software we see from major suppliers. (more…)

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