Welcome to the SENict web site of Ian Bean, a consultant and trainer specialising in the use of ICT and assistive technology to support the learning and communication needs of people of all ages with severe, profound and complex additional support needs.

School Support

Ian provides professional, high quality consultancy services to schools, organisations and companies who work with or provide support to people with severe and complex additional needs.

Online Training

Our online Professional Development Centre where you'll find learning modules and training videos covering all aspects of using technology to teach children with severe and complex needs.

FREE SEN ICT Resources

Ian designs, writes and shares a huge range of free ICT resources and online teaching activities for young people who are learning to use assistive technology to interact with a computer or device.

SENict Resources USB Mem Stick

The SENict Resources USB Mem Stick contains all of our accessible activities, that's currently over 600 activities. The activities have been carefully curated into folders making it easy to find the right activity to motivate and engage your students and at the correct level to help them make progress with their access skills. Our Mem Stick also contain around 200 printable pages of switch caps and choosing cards to support our activities plus over four hours of training videos covering skills progression with switches, touch devices, pointing devices and eye gaze. All of our activities are mapped to levels descriptors for switch, touch, mouse and eye gaze progression found on our website.

In July 2024, we updated nearly 300 of our cause and effect activities to include a new 'learn to wait' switch method and made some changes to improve touch, pointing device and eye gaze access. You can download these new activities from our Resources section or save time and get ALL of our activities ready to run on a SENict Mem Stick.

Ian is a special needs teacher with over 30 years of experience working with children and young adults with severe and complex additional needs. Ian was the ICT teacher and curriculum coordinator at Priory Woods School in Middlesbrough before moving on to lead the Information and Training Team at Inclusive Technology where he trained thousands of education and therapy staff around the world.

Ian is now semi-retired but continues to work part time supporting special schools to deliver training and consultancy on assistive technology and ICTs to support the communication and learning needs of young people with severe, profound and complex special needs.

Special Needs ICT Training and Consultancy
9. Kilroyd Avenue
West Yorkshire
BD19 4ED

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