Bye Bye Slideshow Maker

After hearing about the problems some colleagues have been facing when running the activities they have downloaded from my web site (need admin rights), I decided to move away from the open framework program I was using and write something new. All of my new ‘slideshow’ activities will be published in a new format which will make them accessible to pretty much everyone.


The new format has specific sections for switch users at cause and effect level with both auditory and visual prompts. A touch screen section puts large targets around the screen which students will need to find and touch. Mouse or other pointing device users get a section with a huge mouse pointer and targets that change colour when the mouse pointer is over them. Finally eye gaze users get their own section with large targets and a cross hair cursor to help them pin point the targets. (more…)

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SENSwitcher: Still great, still free and still available


I designed my first program for switch users back in 1999 / 2000. I had attended a meeting where we discussed the possibility of creating ‘PMLD’ software that could run online and delivered through the Northern Grid for Learning web site. The result was SENSwitcher. 140 activities that could be operated with a switch, touch-screen or pointing device that could be configured to allow for specific student colour preferences, tracking speeds and more. (more…)

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Web sites for early mouse skills


If like me, you work with students who are learning to use a mouse, joystick, roller-ball or even eye gaze, you’ll always be on the look out for motivating activities that students can use to hone their skills. IT Mouse Skills is great but hardly the most exciting activity to play over and over. Here are a few web sites hosting free activities suitable for developing and extending pointing device skills. (more…)

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