If you want to download our free activities, you will need to register first. Registration is free, just choose the 'Basic Membership' option. Simply choose a username and password and you're ready to start downloading. There is no charge for this service.
Alternatively, you may choose to subscribe to our Online Professional Development Centre, where in addition to over 600 accessible activities, you'll also have instant access to all of our online training courses, support videos, recorded webinars and subscriber exclusive activities and software.
Basic members get the following benefits.
- Unlock downloads of our free cause and effect activities for switch, touch, pointing device and eye gaze users.
Subscribe to our Online Professional Development Centre and get all the benefits of Basic membership plus you can;
- Access ALL of our online assistive technology training courses.
- Access ALL course handouts, level descriptors and assessment guides.
- Watch hours of assistive technology training and support videos.
- Get free access to over 60 hours of recorded webinars.
- Download and keep our one or two switch choosing activities.
- Download and keep high quality SENict Software teaching software and resources.
Choose an 'Individual' subscription for just £23.00 per year or a 'School' subscription which everyone in your school or organisation can use for just £145.00 per year.
Please choose the correct subscription.
Individual subscriptions are just for yourself and restricted to a single log in. Log in sharing for individual subscribers is not allowed. School subscriptions are for your whole school with no restrictions on the number of consecutive log ins.
USA School District: Contact us for a quote with an indication of the number of schools who will require access.
Schools in the UK can choose to pay for their school level subscription or renewal by invoice. Please Invoice our School.
Professional Development Centre subscriptions last for 12 months from the date of registration. Although we will send you a reminder to re-subscribe. We do not use automatic or recurring payments.
Restrictions and software Licences: PD Centre Individual subscribers may use our professional development materials and SENICT Software activities on a single computer or device. School subscribers may use the materials on any and all computers and devices at their school site. Peripatetic teachers may share the materials with schools they are currently supporting.