Whoever coined the phrase “one size fits all” obviously never worked in special education. The needs of our learners with severe and complex learning differences are as unique as their fingerprints. Each student we encounter presents with abilities and challenges as individual as their personalities. As educators, therapists and parents, our role is to build on those strengths, minimise those challenges and facilitate greater independence in communication, learning and leisure.

Technology is an important tool in helping us achieve these goals. Research tells us that our students benefit most from a ‘mixed economy’ of technologies and that these are most effective when the teacher, therapist or parent understands the needs of the student; has planned meaningful and appropriate lessons and activities in which to use the technology and, most importantly, is confident in the use of technology and aware of how it contributes to meeting communication, learning and leisure goals.

In this session we’ll look at;
 – Keyboards and alternatives.
– Pointing devices including mouse, roller-balls, joysticks, head mouse systems.
– Touch screens and interactive white-boards.
– Switches.
– Tablet devices including iPad.
– Eye gaze systems.

Participants on this webinar will;
 – learn assessment techniques to help identify why a student is having access difficulties.
– gain knowledge of a wide range of assistive technology solutions.
– be able to offer solutions and on-going support to students with access difficulties.

This webinar will be recorded and available to view shortly after the event.

Joining this meeting is free for subscribers to our PD Centre. Save 20% off the normal price of £10.00 if you have a free registration with our website. Please register or log in before purchasing as member discounts are automatically applied.



Topic: AT: What Every Teacher Needs To Know.
Hosted By: Ian Bean
Start: Thursday, Mar 18, 2021 19:00
Category: webinars
Duration: 2 hours 0 minutes
Current Timezone: Europe/London

Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone.