Unpacking Beanie in a Box

We introduced our ‘Beanie in a Box’ training and consultancy support packages for schools in the summer of 2018. Since that time Ian has had the pleasure to deliver ‘Beanie in a Box’ to a large number of schools around the country. We thought it may be useful to those who are considering a support package, to share a little about what a typical package might look like.

Most ‘Beanie in a Box’ packages are for three days although some schools choose to extend this with additional days. The package is entirely flexible and schools can choose to take their days however they want. Most schools choose to take the days separately, usually one per term although some choose an initial visit of two days with a follow up day later in the year. Schools with a Beanie in Box package can add additional days at any time at a significant discount. Here’s what a typical support package looks like.

Day One – Initial Visit

Day one often starts with a learning walk around your school to help Ian better understand how you are using technology now and the resources you have available. A key priority for most schools is to make better use of the ICT resources they have already invested in. During this walk, Ian gets to meet and briefly chat with classroom staff and students.

The day often  continues with Ian working closely with classroom staff looking specifically at the access needs of individual students. Our goal here is work together to identify sustainable access solutions and progression routes while training classroom staff to use the process to accurately assess students themselves. The day usually finishes with a feedback meeting with the classroom staff and school leaders.

Between Visits – Reports, Resources, Teams and Zoom

Beanie in a Box support doesn’t end when Ian leaves your school. After each visit, Ian will provide you with a summary of the visit and how we may move forward together. On some visits we work with students who may respond more positively to bespoke activities. Ian will make these resources and provide links for you to download and use them. We’ll also schedule at least one Teams / Zoom meeting with staff between visits. This is to review progress and to identify and resolve any issues that classroom staff may have.

Beanie in a Box is a fixed price service. There are no additional charges for report writing, resource making or online meetings.

Day Two – Reviewing Progress and New Challenges

Day two often starts with a visit to classrooms to review progress from the previous visit, answering questions, resolving any issues and laying out where we go next.

Many schools use the second day to tackle other pressing issues. For example one school had been experiencing a lack of progress with very complex students using eye gaze. Ian worked with classroom staff to help them develop their skills, showing them alternative ways to realistically assess and teach eye gaze skills to students with profound and complex additional support needs. In another he worked with staff to better utilise the resources in the multi-sensory room. The school had invested heavily in new multisensory resources following a training day, which were not being used. Ian shared realistic strategies for using the multi-sensory room to support the individual needs of students and to support curriculum themes and topics.

Many schools opt to finish day two with a twilight session for school staff to share with them a little about what Ian has been doing in school and to deliver an exciting training session for the whole school. In one school, they arranged an after school session for parents looking at using ipads and sharing great apps and strategies to support school targets at home.

Day Three – More challenges and moving forward.

Some schools choose to use their third day to deliver whole school CPD. In recent months Ian has delivered CPD as part of a Beanie in a Box support package on topics including Computer Access for Everyone, Technology and Early Communication, iPads and Mobile Devices and much more. What makes these CPD days special is that they are bespoke. Over the period of the Beanie in Box support package, Ian learns about your school and the individual needs of your staff and students. The training is tailored to your specific needs and addresses issues unique to your school.

Other schools may choose to work on a different area of ICT in much the same way as they did on day two. One of the strengths of Beanie in a Box is its flexibility. Whatever your needs, whatever your priorities, Ian will work with you to achieve your goals. Your Beanie in a Box is just that, YOUR Beanie in a Box. You can schedule your days, choose and work on your priorities in any way you wish. Mix and blend whole school, small group or individual training in whatever way works best for you.

Beanie is a Box doesn’t end with Ian’s last visit. Schools receive ongoing support through email and Skype meetings and they can always schedule additional days at a significant discount. Whatever your needs, SENict is there to support you.

More information about Beanie in a Box support packages.