Cause and Effect IS Communication




Cause and Effect IS Communication

An understanding of cause and effect is so much more than a student can make something happen with their device. I define cause and effect as a student ‘extending influence and control over their immediate environment’ and that includes the people in that environment. By anyone’s definition, that describes early communication.

In this webinar, Ian will explore working at a cause and effect level with students with severe, complex and profound support needs and show through examples of teaching practice how this translates into and supports work in early communication.

The webinar is aimed at individuals working with young people with severe, profound, and complex additional support needs.

The webinar is free for PD Centre subscribers and just £8 ($10 US) to everyone else. If you are unable to make the time / date, the session will be recorded and made available to watch on the website usually within 24 hours of the live event.









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